Protection that is the main thing auto insurance provides you. The security to know you’ll be guarded against any unfortunate event that might happen to you while on the road. Of course, you might be one of those people who think that no such thing will ever happen to you or that always-there-for-me Uncle Pepe will come to the rescue any time of day.
Real life is very, very different. Even the most careful driver can get involved on a car accident, because, unfortunately, there are many reckless drivers out there. You know, people who love speeding for no reason and disregard all traffic laws. Also, ton of uncontrollable events might happen to anyone while driving, from a mechanical failure to a flat tire. At, we want to take the time to explain to car insurance customers why some additional coverage might come in handy when you need it the most.
“I thought roadside assistance was part of my policy”. That’s what many people assume, without even bothering to read their policy just to make sure. Actually, roadside assistance is an additional coverage that you may or may not choose to have. The premium won’t be considerable higher when you do add it to the policy (it’d be an average of $15 dollars a year) but what you will definitely get is the peace of mind of knowing that there will always be someone to help you, rain or shine.
“I don’t know how useful it will be for me”. Having roadside assistance is like having your best friend always at hand, one that you can always count on. The range of services may include:
When you add this coverage to your auto insurance policy, your insurance company will give you access to a free 800 number, so you can call without any problems any time a day, 365 days of the year.
Just like roadside assistance, there are many other additional coverage options to learn about, all of which will give you greater peace of mind. Two of those additional options are: rental reimbursement, and mechanical failure coverage.
Thanks to these additional coverage options, such as the roadside assistance, you can rest assured knowing that you and your loved ones will always be protected. It’s time to make a smart decision and get the car insurance that best fits your needs.